Unload: everything about nothing (maybe).
Welcome to Unload!
This site will contain many things that I discover throughout the free time I have and feel like I should share or unload.
Please note that all the things I post here are from my experience, and are purely based on my individual research and investigation into related topics and are all posted with the intent of documenting and informing others about my obscure experiences.
Ghidra – macOS/ARM no “buildNatives” Script
I was working on setting up Ghidra on my M2 Mac and I’ve been seeing information about going to the support folder and running ./buildNatives to build the native binaries…
ArduPilot Build – Simplified Documentation
Reproducibility: Using a Docker container to produce this build. Then, setup the build. Main Build Tool: ./waf TL;DR$ docker run –rm -it -v ./ardu-build:/builds python:3.11-alpine sh -c “cd /builds &&…
Home Soda Machine Mixes (non-artificial sweeteners)
Just noting some somewhat decent mixes I discovered for my soda machine: Also, of note having tried a SodaStream Terra machine from Costco, I highly recommend the FIZZpod/DRINKPOD machines that…
3D Printed Drone Arms on a 3-inch Quadcopter is Unstable
Just a random throwback to another obscure thing- when I was working on my university’s senior design project, we had some 3D printed drone arms in what I think was…
Laravel – Enable SSL on MySQL/MariaDB Connections
In database.php modify to have these lines, yours might not have it already included: ‘sslmode’ => env(‘DB_SSLMODE’, ‘prefer’),’options’ => extension_loaded(‘pdo_mysql’) ? array_filter([ PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => env(‘MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA’) !== null ? base_path(env(‘MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA’)) :…
OpenSSL Reference Sheet
I’ve been exploring OpenSSL and other encryption stuff and making a Certificate Authority etc. etc.Here’s some helpful commands that I’ve been referencing and some options that I thought would be…